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Current Focus:
Analytics Experience

Humanizing Business Intelligence®  remains an important focus, however in late 2023 a new component was added to the mix: Analytics Experience (AX) (TM Pending).


Below is a summary of Analytics Experience (AX) features and functionality.  There is a large need for these capabilities in the Analytics Industry.

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Analytics Experience (AX)

Analytics Experience quantifies the reach of Analytics with a simple set of success metrics, monitor and act on AI generated recommendations.

Model Features

AX is based on a proprietary, multi-dimensional model that features measures for Enablement, Data  Culture, Adoption, Data Trust, Engagement, User Experience (UX), Consumption, User Interface (UI).


AX can be utilized via a combined score or independent measures for components above.


Our mission is to create consistent, quantifiable measures for the Data Analytics industry.

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AI Role 

AX will be powered by Artificial Intelligence / Machine learning algorithms to achieve tangible results.


AX aims to increase efficient usage of Data Analytics tools, while empowering data and analytics products within a brand focus.  Increased usage leads to measurable monetization and value.


AX will be deployed within an Analytics Storefront (TM Pending) where humanization within a B2C eCommerce model will be executed. (B is firm, C are colleagues).

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